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From now on you can change your bonuses to Ulduzum gifts! users who gained their bonuses for payment through that web-portal, can change to Ulduzum gifts via “Redeem Now” tool.
Just choose your gift on website.

How to use Ulduzum loyalty program?

1. Ulduzum subscriber sends * to 5555 short number or dials *5555#YES and gets a 4-digit code. Service fee is 3 qepiks.

2. Ulduzum subscriber presents the received code to cashier of Ulduzum’s partner and gets discount.

3. A code can be obtained 10 times during a day. Each code is valid for 24 hours.

4. Each code can be used only 1 time.

To join to the Ulduzum program just SMS 1 to 5555 for free.
